
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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A larger EU budget for completing the investments
2011-04-22 10:58

Nearly 11 billions euro of euro-funds will be transfered to Poland in 2012. Comissioner, Janusz Lewandowski has presented the draft budget for the following year.
- It is a proper budget in crisis circumstances in Europe. - he said to reporters. It provides an increase in spending at 4.9% to the level of 132.7 billions. According to the commissioner, this is a logic of euro-budgets: the closer the financial perspective is , the increases must be greater, because of fact that programs have boosted. It concerns mainly the coherence policy which absorbs, half of EU's expenditures.

Next year, Poland will obtain 10.9 billions euro, what is one-fifth of all EU's expenditures for this purpose. In addition to that, Polish agriculture will get 1.8 billion for development, and farmers direct grants. From year to year they are higher and higher, but there is no estimation on 2012, so far. Yearly EU budget is a part of long-term financial perspective, covering seven years from 2007 to 2013.


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