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Facebook: who bought in the hole has already earned 22%
2012-09-03 09:30

 In two weeks shares of social networking site Facebook rose by 22 percent.
The company, which was founded among others by Mark Zuckerberg, gained $ 16 billion from the shares in May. It is a record for technology companies. From the hole of 5th June, when the values ​​cost only just 25.87 USD Facebook pulled course presenting new products and services, but they have not made up for all the losses yet. In the public offering its shares were sold at $ 38. At the end of trading yesterday on the Nasdaq was 31.60 dollars per paper.

Next week the quotations of Facebook can go up, the first publication of reports are expected by the guarantors of its offer. An additional incentive for buyers may also be entering company run by Zuckerberg to the family of Russell indexes Investment. BlackRock, Credit Suisse Group, Investment Technology Group and Macquarie Group said that Facebook will be included in the Russell 1000 index. This may create additional demand for more than 11 million shares among investors who are building portfolios based on the composition of this index.

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