
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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National e-Invoicing System
2023-10-03 14:43

09.11.2023 - online 11:00-12:00 National e-Invoicing System - how to prepare for implementation.
This webinar is free of charge.

A revolution in invoicing is coming. Is your company ready for it?
The National e-Invoicing System is a tool for issuing and sharing structured invoices. From 1 July 2024, KSeF will be mandatory for active VAT taxpayers. How do you prepare for the implementation of KSeF in your organisation? This topic will be discussed by our experts during the webinar.

The webinar will be specially valuable for tax professionals, accountants, people responsible for finance in a company and for issuing and posting invoices.

1. Introduction - digitalisation of revenue administration, how Poland compares to other countries, objectives of the changes
2. Parameters of the National e-Invoicing System, the platform's functioning, structure of new document templates, access to the platform, including the administrator role
3. Electronic workflow of accounting documentation as a tool of integration with the National e-Invoicing System
4. Summary - how to get ready for the implementation?

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