
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Investor’s recommend PAIiIZ’s services
2011-02-18 14:33

Investor’s recommend PAIiIZ’s services - Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency is perceived as a professional institution with comprehensive knowledge regarding Polish market and vital contacts essential in the investment process in our country.
PAIiIZ was rated by foreign investors at 4,5 points. It is the highest note that the Agency received since the research has been conducted (in 2009 - 4,1 and in 2008 - 3,7).
The Agency is perceived by most of the companies that took part in the survey as a very important partner in the investment process. The first contact with PAIiIZ was rated very highly, as well as the staffs professionalism. However, 29% of the respondents were not sure at the beginning what kind of services and help they may expect form PAIiIZ.

In this year’s research 90% of the surveyed confirmed that PAIiIZ is an unquestionable and professional business partner. One of the strongest qualities of the Agency that was rated very highly were meetings with PAIiIZ’s staff (84%), quality of preparation and competence of the employees who have direct contact with the investors (95%) and the quality and content of written information (72%). However, investors constantly await for the Agency to play a bigger role as a consultant support.

The number of investment offers in the PAIiIZ’s database has improved, however investors still would like to see a bigger range of choice. The information received from PAIiIZ regarding investment incentives was also more transparent for investors. The entrepreneurs however emphasized that they expect bigger financial support from the government.

The report shows that the main contact for investors with PAIiIZ and the main source of information was the Agency’s website (47% of respondents). Others mentioned personal contacts or information from both the Polish and foreign Embassies. Those who visited the Agency’s website (84%) recognized that it contains the most useful information for foreign entrepreneurs. In comparison to last years’ edition of the report the transparency of the website’s structure was rated higher.

The research shows that in 2010, 95% respondents would recommend PAIiIZ’s services to other investors.

The survey on investor’s satisfaction with PAIiIZ services in 2010 was conducted by TNS Pentor.

The report was carried out in the fourth quarter of 2010. The report consisted of two modules: quantification research, which took 38 selected at random investors and qualitative research, where more direct and individual interviews with 11 randomly selected investors took place.

The analysis covered topics such as: first contact with PAIiIZ, PAIiIZ as a business partner, cooperation with PAIiIZ’s project managers, recommendations and general assessment of the Agency.

Aleksandra Bigda, PR Division, PAIiIZ , tel. 022/334 98 40


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