
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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B2B meeting for companies active in the IT/ICT sector
2011-02-24 09:45

B2B meeting for companies active in the IT/ICT sector from Eastern Poland and Israel. The Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency invites companies from the IT and ICT sectors to take part in a matchmaking session with companies from Israel. The session will take place on March 29th, 2011 in Warsaw.
There are already 20 companies from Israel which applied to take part in the session. Profiles of the applicants are available after registration at:

The session is open only for entrepreneurs who have been running business in one of the 5 regions of Eastern Poland for no less than 2 years. Each company may be represented by the maximum of 2 employees. Applications will be accepted by February 27th, 2011.
Rules and regulations of the session, registration form and the rest of required materials are available at:

For more information please contact:
Anna Krasoń, (PAIiIZ)


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