
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Hotel chains plan big investment in Poland
2011-05-26 15:15

Hotel chains plan big investment in Poland. Last week in Warsaw, the new agreement about building cheap hotel was signed. Hampton by Hilton owned by Hilton Worldwide will be built near to Okecie Airport, and will be one of three Hamptons in Poland. One will be built in Swinoujscie, and in two years next will appear in Gdansk. Today, French hotel chain starts building hotel in Warsaw. French B&B owns over 230 hotels (over 16 000 rooms) around the Europe. In next two-three years we want to have over 10 objects in biggest cities in Poland - president of B&B Poland says.

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Soon, construction works in Wroclaw will begin; in Lodz the building lot is bought. In other large cities, the negotiations on sites are in progress. B&B Hotels should be cheap (up to 200 PLN for room), but still comfortable: air-conditioned, soundproof, wireless network enabled, with satellite television and convenient bathroom / kitchen. Both chain’s speakers emphasizes that Poland is prospective market. - There are a lot of places with potential for good, budget hotels- development direct of of Hilton Poland says.

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