
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Samsung still without factory grant
2011-05-30 08:32

Samsung, who had bought the Amica factory of freezers and laundry machines in Wronki in the end of 2009, was going to obtain the governmental grant of 8 mln zloty. The decision upon that was planned to be made last week. However, at the beginning it had been delayed and then was blocked by the change in investment support system.

Despite the fact, that the case was included in yesterday government agenda, it was not considered. We can guess that it is caused by its recent reluctant position in investment granting.

Meanwhile, Korean investor does not hide that the grant has a great significance. Samsung which had taken over not only the production lines, but also workers, had declared that will create 250 jobs and 217 million złotych of investment. Until now, even more jobs have been created, company hires 1600 workers. Production is going to be multiplied.

- Until now we have invested over half a billion zlotys. We have big plans connected with Poland - new investments are planned. But their scale depends on government and local authorities' favor. - Tobiasz Kowalczyk, Samsung’s agent says.

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