
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Chinese rush Poland
2011-06-09 12:33

Poland will meet economic missions from China- president of Polish Agency of Investment, S. Majman announced. Agency has signed the agreement with Council of International Trade Promotion from Chinese Jiangsu province, concerning the cooperation in hi-tech and service sector. Placed in Middle-Eastern coast of China, Jiangsu is one of the most important economic partners of Poland: nearly 40% of turnover with China comes from this province. It is also the biggest exporter and supplier of high technology.

The agreement aims to encourage Chinese investors to polish market. According to Mr. Majman, Chinese investors are still conservative.

- They either invest in well-known projects, or in wallet ones. - Majman said.

Chinese party emphasizes that in next five-year plan, province authorities assume more distinctive engagement in foreign investment. Many regional Jiangsu companies effectively operate on sectors like ICT, electronics, automotive, chemistry, renewable energy, biotechnology, pharmacy, machine and domestic articles market.

Polish Agency currently negotiates the placement of 13 Chinese enterprises on many sectors. To balance foreign trade, Chinese could import from Poland high-quality and advanced products. A chance for polish exporters will be Chinese industrial fairs which allow finding partners.

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