
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Chinese journalists created a website about Poland
2011-09-07 14:35

The Chinese journalists has taken part in a study tour organised by PAIiIZ and after the visit they decided to create a website where they publish information about Poland. It didn’t take them long to attract over 2 million visitors!

World Expo in Shanghai ended, but Poland is still visible in Chinese media. Zhu Qi, editor of one of the most popular Shanghai websites - has created a website where he publishes information about Poland and latest news from the country.
Zhu Qi, together with four other journalists visited Poland in the framework of a study tour organized by PAIiIZ. The aim of study tours organized by the Agency is to help foreign journalist obtain an insight into the most vital economic issues and general economic situation in Poland which is than transmitted to public opinion abroad.

Zhu Qi got so interested in Poland that he not only devoted a series of articles to the country and its economy but decided to create the whole website On the website readers may find an extensive account of his visit to Poland, interviews with leading representatives of politics and business, information about the Poland Pavilion at the EXPO exhibition in Shanghai in 2010 but also up-to-date news concerning the country and articles on the Polish economy e.g. "Decrypt the Polish economic miracle", "Outstanding Poland", "Mystery of the growth of the Polish economy." Soon the website will have new sections: Polish cuisine, daily life in Poland and the Polish youth.

Apart from Qi Zhu the articles are written by other participants of the study visit: Long Tan Jia of China Economic Weekly, Yang Yu Hong from Shanghai Evening Post and Peng Fei and Xiao Gong, Li Wei of the Chinese central television CCTV. You can reach the website by going to the "special reports" section on the main page of The website is in Chinese. Within a short time it was visited by 2 million people.


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