
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Billion-worth grocery import
2011-09-30 16:01

Poland is still attractive for foreign grocery companies. - Spanish olives control 90 % of polish market and the country do not want to lose the leadership. - says Małgorzata Kozakiewicz, Spanish embassy’s trade consultant. That’s why it is the fifth year of all-Polish campaign that promotes Spanish olives in polish media. This year’s edition will cost 197 000 euros. In 2011 it also runs a campaign of Spanish olive oil. Spain has promoted for seven years wines, too.

Also Italians are active in Poland. This year Italian Institute of Foreign Trade organized 25 promotional projects. Seven concerned groceries.

Among most popular foreign groceries are; pork meat, fish, coffee beans and citrus. The biggest shares in import of groceries have EU countries (70%). In first six months amount of those goods was 18% higher compared to last year. Total import has grown at 16,3%.

However, next months will not be conducive for import. - Lower food demand in Poland can be a barrier” - Andrzej Kalicki said. Another point is decreasing import’s profitability. - Contracts are made for many months. Currency exchange rate’s downfalls will touch importers in the end of the year. - he said.

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