
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Parks of development
2011-10-03 15:33

Technology parks have grown in Poland because of venture forces of business, science and local authorities. Effects of its activity are already seen, but it is too early for a large breakthrough in relation between scientists and entrepreneurs.

In July the i3D company from Gliwice has debuted on New Connect. The 93 % jump in stock price was impressive, despite the fact that it occurred mostly behind the floor. The company was created by virtual reality passionate: Jacek Jędzrejowski (physicist) and Arkadiusz Patryas (lawyer). A friend from IBM helped with business partners and general business idea. I3D has become interactive visualization and 3d virtual reality service vendor for business. The company is major tenant in Gliwice Technopark.

Technological parks are supposed to ease contacts between scientists and business. The lack of such relation is a great weakness of polish economy and wasted opportunity. When in 1951, the poark was located near the Stanford University, nobody expected that someday it will become a symbol of USA.

The experience of 30 polish techno-parks is analyzed by Polish Agency of Entrepreneurship. According to 2011 research, parks are well-prepared and active, but effects do not always correspond with those facts. The research involved tenant opinion too.

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