
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Profits from investment goes West
2011-11-02 09:09

One zloty, invested In Poland by foreign investors one year ago, gave 7.5% of ROI – the report of Polish National Bank says. As for crisis time it is quite good interest.
Taking into account the relation between direct investment profits to its whole value, Russia is record country. Each zloty invested in Russian gave 1.8 zlotys of profits, however in the scope of whole economy theses are rather small amounts – Russians have invested “only” 25 million euro in Poland. Despite the fact that total amount of profits that foreign investors take from polish branches recently rises, it cannot reach 2008 level – 13.8 billion euro. Its last-year profits reached nearly 11.3 billion euro. Those data would be far more worse if not the amount of profits transferred to Holland. It equals to 2.2 billion euro. A larger part came from Eureko’s shareholding in PZU.

 The second rank is occupied by Germany, third one by France.
National Bank of Poland annually publicize the report on investment value of foreign companies I Poland, its profits which ere transferred from Poland to its mother-countries. In recent year nearly half of foreign investors’ incomes were paid via dividend, next 15% went as a interest from credits given by foreign companies. On the other hand, for reinvestments nearly 40% of profits were spent.
Experts predicts that crisis will deepen, and the amount of dividends will fall, but the role of interest of credits and brand use allowances will increase.

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