
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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China is not going to wait for long time
2012-06-28 14:17

 During the meeting they also discussed Poland’s benefits from China’s companies. The pace of development of this economy during the next 10 years is going to be about 6-7 percent a year.

Jirg Wuttke - the CEO of BASF in China owning 32 manufacturing factories said that no one can compete with them. As he said, chinese market is open for Poland, especially for information technologies, telecommunications, building and engineering industries too. However he warned that China would not wait for Poland for long time. Business world should be fast because all the roads lead there today he says.

Krzysztof Domarecki, chief of Selena company working in China since 2009 also told about his experiences. He believes that law plays key role in Europe and rules should be followed, while in China it is only a part of the system. For instance, protection Intellectual property for example is a big challenge for the Chinese. It can even be said that practice of copying and counterfeiting of patents and technologies is a part of chinese business model, reassured Domarecki.

It is cheaper from China to Europe than from Germany to Czech Republic.
Boris Wenzel, chief of Gdansk Container Terminal, told about the chances related to interests of China’s companies in Poland. Western Europe does not offer China a lot of chances due to crisis and limited development perspectives. He added that cost of embarking and transportation of one container from Germany to Czech Republic or Poland are three times bigger than costs for the same service from Asia to Europe.

Port of Gdansk can potentially be developed to the level of Rotterdam. There is an investment area of 200 hectares in neighbourhood of Gdansk port. He says that raw materials from Shanghai can be imported to Gdansk for further produce using the benefits of special economic zone.

The partners underline that our main trump is our location joining West and East. Throughout the ages, Poland’s location between Germany and Russia has been an obstacle, but today we benefit from it, since from the China’s point of view there is no a better place than Poland says prof. Bogdan Goralczyk from Warsaw University.

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