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10 billion euro to achieve a goal
2012-07-06 09:43

 French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici said on Monday that the government of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault estimated that they needed 7-10 billion euro to reduce the budget deficit to 4.5 percent. GDP by the end of the year
Giving an interview TV channel ITEL Moscovici explained that the calculations are estimate, and the ministry "is waiting for official data." The Minister referred to the results of the audit, which he has commissioned to examine in depth the state of public finances - the agency EFE said.
Moscovici said on Monday in an interview that Paris will not achieve fiscal targets for 2012 without saving up these sums, but it will not mean painful budget cuts.

 The government will present a draft budget on 4th July; it is expected that there are listed new tax guidelines. President Francois Hollande promised to reduce the budget deficit this year to 4.5 percent.
AP Agency notes that France is one of the countries which brings the largest sums for funds to countries of monetary union which are currently covered by the aid programs to prevent them from insolvency.

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