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Survey: Greece will not repay the loans
2012-08-06 13:20

  Of the four largest euro zone nations, Germany would come back to its own currency if it could be possible, although the country is often indicated as the biggest beneficiary of the Euro - according to a survey center Ifop-Fiducial; four major European newspapers published the results on Monday.
Ifop-Fiducial questioned about one thousand Frenchmen, Germans, Spaniards, Italians. All together, these nations comprise 76 percent of population of the euro area.
In each of the four largest euro zone countries, advocates of a return to the local currency are in the minority. But this minority in Germany comprised 39 percent of surveyed, while in other countries from 25 to 28 percent.
Ifop-Fiducial respondents were relatively response to other questions. None of the nation does not believe that Greece will be able to repay the loan assistance which it received from the EU and the IMF. In Germany and France, this sentence is regarded by 85 and 84 percent, in Spain 72 percent and in Italy 65 percent.
78 percent of Germans believe that Greece should be excluded from the euro zone in case its expected insolvency. Among the French, the sentence is regarded by 65 percent of population and of the Italians and Spaniards is about 50 percent.

The results of the study were commented by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaueble. - The survey shows how much confidence of Europeans Greece squandered. Therefore, the most urgent task of the new government of Prime Minister Samaras should be immediate and decisive implementation of the agreed [with lenders - red] program, rather than figuring out what others can do for Greece - told to the "Bild".
On the other hand he pointed out that most Europeans are still grown attached to the euro. - People know that their jobs and prosperity are more reliable in a united Europe in the face of global economic relations. This promotes a stable, single currency - he said.

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