
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Special economic zones will stay untill 2026
2012-10-18 15:38

 There was an idea to publish the project of the principles of the new law on internet in order to make it possible to make comments and notes.
Despite of the crisis the zones are not bad at all since the investments are constantly being made. The total amount of the capital declared from the beginning of this year until the end of April amounted to 1.581 billion PLN, whilst during the first four months of the last year it was only 1.477 billion PLN. The amount of the planed new work places raised and reached 1.743 comparatively to 1383 in the period from January to April planned a year ago. The number of licenses issued raised from 45 to 53.

 The last year was also successful for the zones. According to the report announced during the government meeting the investment expenditures made up 6.45 billion PLN and were higher in 8.8 percent in comparison to the year 2010. Furthermore, the number of new vacancies grew to in 16.8K or 7.5 percent.
The extension of the zones’ activities is important because today this is the only efficient means of supporting foreign investments. The investor may count on European Subsidies in no earlier than in 2014. Meanwhile, the governmental grants because of their small amounts are rather prestigious. In addition, the pool for the year has been utilized as well as some part of the next year funds.

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