
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Whistleblowing Summit conference
2024-01-09 08:52

5th March 2024 - We are meeting for the fourth time at the Whistleblowing Summit conference!  This year, we will focus on the implementation of whistleblowing regulations in different countries, and in an international group of companies.
Join us! Whistleblowing Summit is for you, especially if you:
- run your own company,
- are the manager of a public entity
- are an auditor or internal controller,
- are responsible for the following areas: HR, law, compliance, information security, IT systems, risk management, quality management, ethics,
- or you are simply looking for substantive knowledge about whistleblowing and whistleblowers.

The conference will take place online, and is free of charge for participants.

Implementation of whistleblowing regulations in an international group of companies


What Challenges face companies implementing whistleblowing regulations in an international group

1. Germany (Legal): Fabian Jeremias, Frederik Kopp

2. Poland (Legal): Jarosław Kamiński

3. Poland (Tech): Adam Wódz

​Coffee break

Local conditions in different EU countries

1. Report on Germany: Fabian Jeremias, Frederik Kopp

2. Report on France: Hugues Boissel Dombreval

3. Report on Italy: Maria Hilda Schettino

4. Report on Spain: Sonsoles Sánchez

​Coffee break

Whistleblowing in Poland


Klaudia Kamińska-Kiempa, Łukasz Napiórkowski

1. Current regulations

2. Implementation from a labor law perspective

3. Sharing resources

​Coffee break

Whistleblowing channel – technical challenges with sharing resources & GDPR issues


1. Poland: Jarosław Kamiński, Adam Wódz

2. E-nform: Rafał Hryniewicz

​Coffee break

Internal investigation – Germany
: Fabian Jeremias, Frederik Kopp

1. Case study

2. Labor law perspective

​Summary of Whistleblowing Summit 2024


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