
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca styczeń 2012
Znaleziono 2 newsów
2012-01-30 15:42

Graphene, material of the future, can really change our civilization. Polish scientists know already how it can be produced. Unfortunately Polish government have not take this chance yet.

Imagine: a blue sheet of paper which lays on the table starts to ring and changes into alarm clock. You get up and pick up this sheet of paper to turn it to the hand clock. Then you go to the work, so you turn it into the GPS navigation. Impossible? Well, maybe it is.



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2012-01-16 09:56

InPost, private post will invest In next four years nearly 300 million euros. This year, it is going to take over next 4% of post market in Poland. The Chief of polish logistics company, Rafał Brzozka explained that until 2016, InPost is going to increase the number of its post vending machines of 16 000. “We are finalizing talks with large private equity fund, the agreement should be signed in February.” - Mr. Brzoska says. The number is not stated so far. Minimal plan is to mount 2000 devices.

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