
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca marzec 2015
Znaleziono 3 newsów
2015-03-26 16:22

MTU Aero Engines investment is the eight and the latest successfully completed projects with PAIiIZ support. The company will spend €13,8 m and create 50 new jobs

The majority of completed projects in first quarter of 2015 are represented by BBS, R&D, ICT, automotive, aerospace, electronics and home appliances sectors. The total value of 8 projects reached €153.14m. Due to them, even 2,637 new jobs can be created.

Among 170 ongoing investments supported by the Agency, BPO and automotive sectors predominates. Each of the sector runs 32 projects. Next are: R&D with 19 projects, aviation with 13 projects and food sector with 12 projects. The total value of ongoing projects reaches €3065.45 m. Those investments may created even 30,061 new jobs in the future.

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2015-03-23 16:27

“For the first time in the history, Poland has been promoting itself as medical tourism destination. Due to the international promotion of the medical tourism sector, that lasted for 3 years, foreign audience discovered the potential of our country”, said PhD Ada Kostrz - Kostecka, head of the programme of promotion of Polish medical tourism on International markets 2012-2015 that was provided in cooperation of PAIIIZ. The conference summarizing the project was held on 18 March in PAIiIZ.

Representatives of medical tourism sector abroad and foreign journalist who visited Poland during study visits assess the offer of Polish medical tourism as very good. 12 trade fairs.

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2015-03-16 16:29

Randstad presented the 25th quarterly report entitled “Employers’ plans”. This is a useful compass for employees. This time the plans of employment are the most optimistic since 6 years”, commented PAIiIZ president Sławomir Majman during the conference held on 9 March.

The first part of 2015 is expected to be very optimistic regarding the employment market. The percentage of employers willing to create new jobs (30%) is the highest since six years – in went up by 4% q/q. Also the number of companies planning to increase salaries in growing. Moreover, despite the lack of enthusiasm among entrepreneurs regarding the economic condition of Poland, there is a rising trend in defining the situation of their companies as good or very good.

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