
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca czerwiec 2014
Znaleziono 1 newsów
2014-06-09 14:30

Concern NExteeer Automative, which biggest factory plants are in Poland, will invest about 12 millions of USD in new testing infrastructure, which should help to invent and develop smoother and more quite electric steering systems for hybrid and electric vehicles. The investments in technology have to give hybrid and electric models of vehicles, produced by international companies, improvement in driving comfort. Automobiles produced today are known to have less noise inside the vehicle. Not only noise reduction of the engine compartment or car interior influence on the noiseless, but also the usage of hybrid and electric propulsion system, as well as start-stop systems for instance. As Nexteer Automotive engineers note, reduction of noise decibels made by the engine led onto noise reduction of other components, as well as steering systems.

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