
Business, Investments properties in Poland

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Lista newsów z miesiąca październik 2022
Znaleziono 2 newsów
2022-10-25 09:18

23.11.2022 Training - During our webinar, experts from Rödl & Partner Poland will present current opportunities, conditions and possible benefits for investors in Poland. We will point out important topics for investors: tax reliefs, funds & SEZ - why it is worth to invest in Poland. From a tax perspective, we will tell about : VAT, corporate income tax (CIT). We will also touch upon the legal aspects of investments: from possibilities avenues and forms to reporting obligations.

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2022-10-25 09:17

27.10.2022 Training - Global supply chains have been disrupted by factors such as covid restrictions and covid-related lockdowns, geopolitical tensions and staff shortages. We all know the problems, but where can we find solutions?

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